onsdag den 31. august 2011


I'm so much in love with the hole Gestuz autumm 2011 collection. The maxi dress will be perfect for my prom! The sequin dress is just one of these dresses I will use as my lifesaver everytime I have nothing to wear at a party! The tye die prints are just wonderful, I could use everyone of these items on my wardrobe!
Wow, you've done an amazing job Gestuz!

// Laura

tirsdag den 30. august 2011


Shorts - 2'nd hand   T-shirt - Unknown   Sunnies - Tiger   Tights - Zara     Arm ring - Vintage    Boots - Friis&Co
Couldn't help my american snake II outfit, but these shorts are AMAZING!
Been to school for one hour today, nice! This afternoon I'll be chillin' with my friends, maybe eating junk food. This last day of summer has to be celebrated!
Are you gonna celebrate?

mandag den 29. august 2011


Jeans - Bershka   Bag & Shirt - Vintage   Vest - H&M    Top - Gina Tricot
Not the best picture, taken before I went to school this morning. Right now I'm trying to learn how to draw a house in this weird architect computer program. Wish me luck!

søndag den 28. august 2011


Shoes - Vans   Jeans - Vintage D&G  Sunnies - Gina Tricot   T-shirt - Vintage
I've had the most amazing weekend! Friday night we had a party at my school, so much fun!
Saturday I celebrated Jones "confirmation", it was great! 
At both parties I was in the party planning, so I've been busy all weekend, and thats why I haven't been here, sorry guys! I promise to make it up to you!
Lately I've been getting more and more comments, thank you so much!
I really love to hear your opinion no matter what it is!
Hope you all have had a great weekend, you are amazing!

torsdag den 25. august 2011


 Shorts - 2'nd hand (wewonder.dk)  Top - Bik Bok  Necklage - H&M
Got these amazing shorts today, they are absolutely perfect! Mixed with my favorite items at the moment, the white top and the necklace, I feel like I will never have a nervous breakdown because of my clothes again! You might tell me it's to soon to say, but that's how I feel!
I recommend clicking on the picture to see an enlarged version. The print on the shorts are gorgeous!



I've loved galaxy pictures for a long time, but I've never made one of theese portrait/galaxy.
I know it's not new, but I still think it is really pretty!
Do you think it's hot or not?

tirsdag den 23. august 2011


 Shoes - Nelly  Bag - Zara  Dress - H&M  Jacket & Belt - Vintage
Tuesday is my new favorite day! School is only for two hours from 12-14! 
After school I'm going to meet up with Nina, I'm looking so much forward to seeing her again! 
Bye bye!

mandag den 22. august 2011


Skirt - Zara 40 DKK   Belt - Zara 60 DKK   Top - Bik Bok   Jacket - 2'nd hand   Ring - Gina Tricot   Shoes - from Spain
Skirt and belt both new from Zara, I love the combination of these two!
We have a party at my school friday, and I'm thinking about wearing this. What do you think?


lørdag den 20. august 2011


Trousers - Zara 90 DKK   Top - Bik Bok    Belt - H&M    Bag - Zara Kids 100 DKK
Today I went shopping with my mother, found these amazing trousers for sale. I love how skinny they make me look! I found the bag in the kids department, it's so lovely!
Now I'm going to my beautiful friend Amanda's birthday party. Cant wait!

// Laura

torsdag den 18. august 2011


Sunglasses - Tiger 30 DKK   Necklace - H&M 
New sunglasses, couldn't help it! It was instant love! To big to be "Lennon's" and to small to be "Mickey's"!
Right now I'm alone home listening to Emma Acs, Magnetic Man and Oh Land thinking back to the Roskilde days.
My henna still looks amazing, I really recommend it to other cowards like myself, who doesn't get the real deal. The possibilities are unmeasurable!

onsdag den 17. august 2011


A while ago my boyfriend and I had a cosy day at home. It was raining all morning so we decided to bake a cake and watch loads of White Collar.
In the afternoon the sun start shining and we sat in the garden having drinks. 
I cant stop loving my boy!

tirsdag den 16. august 2011


Tee - Topshop    Necklace - H&M
The henna is still beautiful. It now has a more brown colour which I find very pretty. Mostly because it now looks more natural.
I hope it last the 2 weeks it says!


Another picture of Caroline, taken a while ago. 
I love her boots, she got them 2'nd hand and payed 50 DKK. They are still in the stores I think.
They cost 1300 DKK from Bianco.

mandag den 15. august 2011


Caroline drew these beautiful henna tattoos on Jones and I. The pictures was taken about 40 minutes after the henna was drawn. Which is why part of the dried henna has fallen off.
Today the tattoo is complete. It has the red/orange/brown colour from the picture.
I'll try to include it in an outfit soon, but it seriously has to stop raining!

søndag den 14. august 2011


 Shoes - 2'nd hand Topshop 100 DKK

Bags - 2'nd hand Nike 35 DKK United Colors of Benetton 25 DKK

Today I went with Jones to the local flee market, we bought a few more things, but I'll show you another time.
I fell in love with the shoes and Jones with his new colourful bags.
Afterwards we went to see Caroline, we had a great day playing around with henna and all our new clothes. I'll show you tomorrow!

torsdag den 11. august 2011


Jacket - Spain    Jumpsuit - Bik Bok    Belt - Vintage     Shoes - Notabene

 Eye liner - Fest & Farver

Caroline's amazing nails

Monday evening I went to the local bike race together with Jones and Caroline.
We had a lot of fun, and after the race we went home to Caroline and had a wonderful time.
I'm back to school now. Now as a senior, it's wierd how fast its been since I started.
I hope this last year will be just as much fun as the others!
Are you back to school yet?

mandag den 8. august 2011


Vest & Jeans - Vintage, Sunglasses - Monki, Necklace - H&M, BH - DIY, Shoes - Nelly
I thought this picture deserved a post on its own. Here you go!
I like how the colours are a bit "weak" and dusty. I think it suits the 70-vibe outfit, perfectly! 
What do you think?


søndag den 7. august 2011


 Belt used as bracelet - H&M 30 DKK
All rings are vintage, "Chanel"-earring from Thailand, earcuff - a gift from lé boyfriend
The belt has the most amazing yellow color, I've only been wearing it as a bracelet for now, but off cause you can use it as a belt too.
All my favorite jewelry means something to me, and I'm wearing them every day.


fredag den 5. august 2011


Shorts - DIY, Top - 2'nd hand Marc by Marc Jacobs, Shoes - Vans, Glasses - Tiger
Off to have a facial, feeling like a rebel!


torsdag den 4. august 2011


Vest & Jeans - Vintage, Sunglasses - Monki, Necklace - H&M, BH - DIY, Shoes - Nelly
The last days I've been sick, so I've been laying inside without wifi and reading the same magazines a hundred times. But now I'm finally feeling better!
The vest is one of the two things I bought vintage when I was in my summerhouse, I'ts from H&M.
Hope you have enjoyed your summer!